on April 6, 2021
Hello my name is Missee . I am a rescue cat who was abandoned and abused . I turned 5 in March . A nice lady found me and took me to a rescue center where they fixed me up . Then she fostered me until my dad saw me and fell in love and brought me home to live with him and my buddies Fuzzee Butt and Frostee . I'm not much of a lap cat but I love sleeping with dad . I curl up against his chest so he can rub my belly . I know he likes this because it soothes him and puts him to sleep . So I make sure I wake him up 5 or 6 times a night so he can rub my belly and sooth himself to sleep . Aren't I such a sweety ? I love being petted , the more the happier I am . I hardly ever make any noise . I drool a little because of having 3 fangs removed and several other teeth from being abused . I am also partially deaf from the abuse but dad says I am his precious little girl and that no one will ever hurt me again . My favorite toy is my cat wand and I love it when dad plays with me . I'm part Maine Coon and who knows what else with a diluted tortie coat .
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