Athena DeaVulpe
on April 6, 2021
It's inevitable, we're starting to see leftists/ANTIFA create fake profiles of "patriots" on Wimkin posting violent and threatening content to make patiots look bad for leftist narriatives.
Meet "CHRISP357" , shit talking spammer backing plans for violence to overthrow Biden and challenging/harrassing any legit patriot who dosen't back him up.
He has been spamming the main sponsored threads and is highly active, if you don't fall in line with him he'll try to claim you're a liberal.
This person may not be in the US, possibly an outsourced leftist operative, since he's not familiar with American pop culture , slangs and such. He'll try relentlessly hard to play it off though.
#antifa #leftist #liberal #fakeprofile #scammer #autistic #adhd #spammer #violence #killbiden #threat #terrorist #actor #mole #nigerianscammer #fakepatriot
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