Paula Maillet
on March 17, 2021
Daily Devotional - March 17
They Heed Only HIS Voice
"...the sheep hear his voice;
and he calls his own sheep by name
and leads them out.
And when he brings out his own sheep,
he goes before them;
and the sheep follow him,
John 10:2-4
There are so many voices in the world, teaching many diverse things. Who is one to believe? People listen to the news media even though they know the it is putting a slant on things in order to have them believe a certain way. College professors spin their agendas on young minds who generally believe what they're being taught. Counselors insert their take on things and the weak take it all in, not questioning whether or not the counsel is valid. Friends hold great sway over a friend in trouble, and in his weakened state the person with the problem will accept the advice of the trusted friend, even when the friend is giving bad advice.
Who is one to believe?
Jesus Christ is the shepherd of his flock, and when one has walked with him for a long time he will know the Shepherd's voice. When he has a problem, he will not turn to counselors, or even to friends - he will go to the Shepherd. Only the Shepherd knows his followers' story and history and conflicts, and he is the ONLY ONE who can be trusted to guide him rightly. Any other voice can be very wrong even though it seems to make perfect sense. We are so often mislead by incorrect advice!
Saints, when you have a need take it to the Shepherd. If you follow his lead alone, you will be following the only one who knows exactly what you need. Follow him and rest in confidence that he will always lead you into the right way you should go.
Along Emaus Road
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