Paula Maillet
on March 14, 2021
Daily Devotional - March 14
In Times When There Appears To Be No Solution
"In the day of my trouble
I sought the Lord;
my hand was stretched out
in the night without ceasing;
my soul refused to be comforted."
Psalm 77:2
There are times in life when the trouble seems insurmountable. In the day of trouble, what do you do? When you are overwhelmed, whose advice do you seek? Do you turn to family? Friends? A counselor?
vs 4:
"I am so troubled that I cannot speak."
The hurting one thinks back, diligently going over the circumstances, trying to come up with a solution.
vs 6:
"I meditate within my heart,
and my spirit makes diligent search."
But there comes a time when there IS no solution, and one descends into despair. It looks like God has forsaken him, and he sits in fear and dread as the trouble looms great before him.
But God has not deserted the believer, though it may seem that way. It is in trouble that the faith of the believer is sorely tested.
In times like this, one is called upon to WAIT on the Lord. It may be one of the most difficult things in life to do. But while waiting, let the believer think back to the times when God has made all the difference, when things changed in such a way that it was obviously the hand of God. Let the believer meditate on every circumstance that the Lord has led him through, and his crippled faith will begin to be revived.
vs 11-12:
"I will remember the works of the Lord;
surely I will remember your wonders of old.
I will also meditate on all your work,
and talk of your deeds."
The believer will see that the present distress will be turned into a testimony - if only he will wait faithfully and bring to God songs of praise.
Along Emaus Road
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