Paula Maillet
on March 13, 2021
Daily Devotional - March 13
We See As Through A Glass Darkly
Scoffers have asked, "Where did Cain get his wife?" Scripture answers that question quite clearly:
"After he begot Seth, the days of Adam
were eight hundred years;
and he had sons and daughters."
Genesis 5:4
Adam had sons AND daughters. Cain took one of them as his wife. The prohibition against marrying relatives had not yet been given, they were yet many years away and only then would God give the law against marrying a relative.
Today, scientists know that many diseases are genetic in origin, so that if people with nearness of genetic makeup marry, there is a great risk of transmitting disease that both parties might be carriers of.
But in the time of Adam and Eve, the genetic breakdown called "mutation" had only just begun as a result of the fall of Adam, so there was no danger that marrying one's sister would risk passing on disease. Cain took one of his sisters as his wife and had sons and daughters free from disease. But after several more generations, the breakdown in the gene pool would inevitably begin producing disease among siblings, therefore God gave the law against having children with a relative.
When one rejects God because something God said seems foolish to him, he makes HIMSELF a fool. How does one question Almighty God who created the universe and provides man with his next breath? God knows what he is doing. He sees with a perspective that we don't have.
Someday we will be shown the answers to all our questions and there will be no fault found in God. But for now, "we see through a glass darkly" (1 Corinthians 13:12). Knowing that, the wise will trust the INTEGRITY of God and not demand answers to his questions as a prerequisite to believing what he has said.
Along Emaus Road
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