Perry volduf
on February 24, 2021
Life isn't about what you think. If you all think that life rotates on your thinking or your own thought on it then that's terrible. I haven't been active or making use of this account and some idiot members on here reported my profile for being a bitcoin investor,I haven't even spoken to any member that I have as friends on here. I was able to get back into my account to prove I ain't fvcking fake like you assholes on here. Idiots thinking everyone is fake like them. Just so you all know I'll start reporting every profile I come across ? let's see how you like it ??. Have a good one all you sensible mofos?
Dimension: 705 x 798
File Size: 195.83 Kb
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Fine form, if a trifle skinny
February 25, 2021
Doug replied - 2 replies