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pam hagerman

Female. Lives in dunnellon, United States. Born on September 30, 1951. Is married.
About Me
Retired LEO
Canning & Food Preservation
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Outdoor cast iron cooking
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Bread Baking
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Rebel Canners
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Crockpot Recipes
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Patriots at the roundtable
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Politics and Elections
Quentin Ireland
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pam hagerman
pam hagerman
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Royce Hagerman
Ben Forbing
Happy Birthday Pammy!! ????????
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pam hagerman
Thank you Ben.
October 1, 2020
Jason Downing
You got kicked off of Facebook before before I had a chance to say it yesterday so....? HAPPY BIRTHDAY ? ??
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pam hagerman
lol Thank you Jay.
October 1, 2020
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