Joey's Mental Musical Jukebox
I absolutely cannot stand this song but every time I see the commercial for the stupid TV show, which I have never seen, it continues to haunt me! #ImaRobot #GreenbackBoogie View More
Joey's Mental Musical Jukebox
This is an interesting one that is playing in my brain because it is in my latest show on! #Ghostkeeper #Klangkarussell #GIVVEN
Joey's Mental Musical Jukebox
A few days ago it was Genesis, now it's Phil Collins. Brain is stuck in a rut! #PhillCollins #TakeMeHome
Joey's Mental Musical Jukebox
Adam Carolla had a member of this band on his podcast and played this song. I have been hearing it ever since. #JeffersonStarship #Jane #AdamCarollaPodcast #DavidFreiberg View More
Joey's Mental Musical Jukebox
My brain has been on fire lately with songs popping up and looping over and over again. Here is the first of a couple coming down the pike! #Genesis #FollowYouFollowMe View More
Joey's Mental Musical Jukebox
Have no idea where this one came from, but yet here it is!!! #DavidBowie #TheManWholeSoldTheWorld
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