Raven j knepp
More videos coming soon if you want to seen more of them early check out my youtube channel https://youtube.com/c/ravenknepp
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Raven j knepp
a lesson on making rap songs easy with the rule of it. One of my best though not many people seen it.
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Raven j knepp
My most recent song to lift you up if your feeling down.
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Raven j knepp
A skit about my new bicycle framed like a scene from fast and furious lol. This was a fun one to make.
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Raven j knepp
Another vid from the beginning of my youtube channel that caught some attention. Skit slash funny rap song about being chased by the cops for stealing food out of my dads fridge.
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Raven j knepp
One of the first rap songs i made that became popular for a bit. Its epic and funny if you dont mind a bit of messed up lyrics.
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