"Men do not lose their power by changing their clothing, or wearing makeup. To imply that male privilege is dependent on how men feel about their bodies and how they choose to decorate them is the sam... View More"Men do not lose their power by changing their clothing, or wearing makeup. To imply that male privilege is dependent on how men feel about their bodies and how they choose to decorate them is the same as saying that women can change our status in patriarchy by altering our looks.
It's an inverted argument. Men who adopt femininity claim to be oppressed because they get a small dose of what women experience on a daily basis, compounded by law, by violence, by history.
Somewhat ironically, males who claim a desire to be treated "like a woman" then declare they are more oppressed than women, because in the process they are assaulted or killed.
It begs the question: What, exactly, do they think being "treated like a woman" means, if not an altogether dangerous way to be in a patriarchal society? Being treated like a woman inherently means being excluded, or being harmed, or objectified.
By all evidence, they think it means the latter: objectification. Possibly, if we're optimistic, they hope that being treated like a woman means to gossip with women, share a bathroom without men, and other "privileges".
Not the stark reality of existing in a female body.
When men ask to be treated like women, then experience violence, they say they are more oppressed than women.
In every aspect men presume their lives and experiences to be default, carrying more weight, even to the extent that when they pretend to be us, their pain matters more.
They adopt our identities and still declare themselves the victims of the system that granted them the privilege to appropriate us.
When men accuse women of being exclusionary, they are entirely ignorant to the past 6,000 years of history which, through men, excluded women.
Women should not feel guilty about calling a man what he is. We have a history and culture of our own. Women are the excluded sex. They burned her, enslaved her, experimented on her, locked her in asylums, bound her feet, broke her body and erased her name.
Men don't want a part of women's violent reality. They only want to be objectified. To be told they are sexy.
The fantasy they project onto women is the image they have become jealous of, like Narcissus reflecting back on a pool of water, with mirrors all around.
Men don't love women, they love the fantasy they create, which is a self-love, a double mirror. Men who self-objectify are not identifying with women, but a projection of us, so that we are twice removed: "cis women", doubly othered, and the man who loves his false image.
No wonder there is so much anger in this group. Men who call themselves women already hate their bodies and that insecurity is unleashed onto women.
Women are the excluded sex.
Recognize. No male is entitled to women's attention, or identity.
When it comes to calling women "TERFs", I'm amazed that it isn't obvious that women are, and have been, the excluded people, for well over 6,000 years, and that women asserting our right to gather is what is being called "exclusion"; women gathering is a threat to male power.
6,000 years of men excluding women from property ownership, public law, even ownership of our bodies and children we birthed; we start to carve out spaces for ourselves by tremendous effort, and men ask, "Who are you to define yourself" and "Why are you excluding men?"
The question we should be asking is why men are projecting exclusion as a moral flaw onto women, to silence us, and to emotionally bribe us into sympathy and acquiescence.
Men are taking advantage of our sympathies to accuse women of the very same exclusion they do to us.
Men have always excluded the female sex. Their childish finger-pointing to women's boundaries as a source of bigotry against them carries no weight. Men would not identify as women in countries where we, as women, can't vote. Men did not ID as women in China, during foot-binding.
I want all my sisters and community back. I was permanently suspended but I'm here and I'm not here and was never suspended because I can't say so. I just want all women to realize that it has been men excluding women for thousands of years, but worse; men used women, enslaved women, operated on, experimented on, raped, and sold the female body.
Remember our history and reality when you are called "exclusionary" or "terf".
If the worst that women can do is exclude males - if asserting our right to gather without men is called bigotry - then what word do such men have for the monumental femicide, torture, murder, rape, the burnings and mutilations men have done to women? What word can suffice?
I resist gender ideology for obvious reasons:
1. Men claim to be women on the basis of essentialist fantasies
2. Men are more violent than women
3. Erasing sex is homophobic
4. Men are granted gender protections while sex oppression is openly scorned
5. *Children are suffering*
Please, sisters, remember when men accuse you of "biological essentialism", that this is an insult hurled also against anyone who opposes transhumanism, too, and that the closest admission of what a narcissist is doing to your psyche is what they accuse you of; its projection.
Men saying that their state of "oppression" depends on how feminine they present is exactly the same as arguing that women are sexually assaulted because of what we wear."NO IDEA WHO WROTE THIS BUT I AGREE 100%!!