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Equality Act HR5
Section 3(4) of the Equality Act expands the definition of “public accommodations” under Title II of the Civil Rights Act to “any establishment that provides a good, service, or program, includi
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GunControl Topic W/ School Shooting Survivor Patriot Kaylee
Kaylee recounts her experience being in the school as an active shooter comes in firing upon 5 of her classmates and what we can do to solve this problem. For more from her please visit her TikTok @Pa
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The End Of Privacy Welcome 6th Fifth Reich
The New, Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA). Misinformation is a growing threat to the integrity of the information eco-system. There for we will have all these companies track e
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Sovereign Minds 8/22 W RN Joe Athrapozi
Join us as we discuss, a host of topics happening this week both on the local level and nation wide. Today Special Guest with 15 years in the medical industry. Joe, as we discuss C19 Vaccine Mandates
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Housing Market Eviction, Food Prices, Covid. Great Reset.
8 Million Renters at Risk, 2 Million Homeowners Facing Foreclosure. Food Prices, Covid Stats, Immigration.
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