Chris Swafford
Check out the L.O.U.C.W. OFFICIAL MAIN CHANNEL channel on Zello
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ATF Issues Conflicting Documents on Legal Pistol Braces
The letter fails to acknowledge conflicting reports that ATF officials had given SB Tactical the go-ahead to proceed with the development of new braces based on ATF's initial decision letter.
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101 reasons to oppose 'gun safety' and why you should too
I will oppose "Gun Safety" when it is being used as a lie to fool the public and is used for political purposes to take away our rights.
Where is this group based?
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This is group is not based out of any specific location. I ran a similar page on Facebook. The main goal is to use this to connect people with constitutional militias in their local area.
Six men charged in alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer
Six men charged in alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer
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