Philosophers seek the truth but did not find Him, since the time of Socrates to this very hour, their logics and the rationality of the natural minds of argumentum adbacullum has never know the abode ... View MorePhilosophers seek the truth but did not find Him, since the time of Socrates to this very hour, their logics and the rationality of the natural minds of argumentum adbacullum has never know the abode of truth nor His form. The science recognize the need of tranquility of the flesh, with their vast knowledge of surgery and pharmaceutical research, they, I must confess make the flesh and bone a temporal comfort but Alas they know not the way to bring tranquility to the soul that's imbedded in this mortal vessels. Mr religion, with all his ceremonial observance, rituals, rules & regulations and the iron creeds that bonds his muscles to the bones, with all the head recitation his religious books, yet with all this hard way of life, assurance of eternal tranquility is obscure and the soul languished in bond of iniquities. Have you not had my reader that he that made heavens and earth said "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent"? For in the world's wisdom cannot save the soul and the understanding of the religious prudent availeth nothing. For it please God to save the weak to shame the mighty, to save the sinner to destroy the religious righteousness, by the message the philosophers considered foolishness, by the news the religious prelates considered too simple to believe. For the message is the Gospel. Have you not read that " For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power of God "? Ho my fellow creature, Mr religion and brother philosopher that thinks his religious righteousness and knowledge will open the heavy gate of heaven, for God has abhorred it long ago even before Satan ordain that very act of your religion and knowledge, for this course peace never know your soul and assurance of eternal rest you can't affirmed though you mouth may boast but your heart fails. But we preach Christ crucified unto the Jews a stumbling block and unto the Greek foolishness but unto them which are called, both Jews and Greek, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.