Dear Beloved one in The Lord Jesus Christ,
What goals do you still have pending for the completion of your life here on
earth? Will they enhance your faith walk or will they just give you a feeli... View MoreDear Beloved one in The Lord Jesus Christ,
What goals do you still have pending for the completion of your life here on
earth? Will they enhance your faith walk or will they just give you a feeling of
satisfaction in your life? We all will face our Creator in the end and will have to
give an accounting of our existence to God. It is our faith in Jesus that will make
the most difference in God’s approval of the life that we have lived. The thief on
the cross next to Jesus had no way to change his ending, but his faith and belief
in Jesus as innocent won him a free pass to paradise. In the name of Jesus Christ, God
bring us home. may the Beloved God bless you all who read this message .Amen