For years we have been forced to adhere to one narrative. Filled to the point of overflow, call it the MSM call it the libtard left or you might even call it the NWO. Call it a giant turd for all i care, the fact is if you dared to share a opinion that fell outside the tiny world view, you my friend were dealt with!Any musician, poet, author or citizen journalist's that could not or would not remain loyal to the propagandagist creed knows what i'm talking about. If you were effective you were either canceled or at the very least shadowed banned! My name is Brian Sonneman, I have been through the teeth of big tech. First as a singer songwriter along with my band The Horologists. Our music was shadow banned, but they didn't stop there. As a Top-Line vocal session artist who used social media to connect with producers & other clients, I began to notice my followers dropping off by the thousands, & likes held to 1 our 2 lol. Anyway I am not bringing this up for self-pity just to let you know, i know & I get it. I am new to WiMkiN so forgive my learning curve. As soon as I figure out how to upload music directly i will. For now I am sharing links to songs inspired by all things free! If you are a musician, songwriter with a positive or patriotic message please feel free to drop a link to your work! The same offer goes out to my poetry writing friends.We are surrounded by freedom hating government serving slaves to a fallen world. We need a place to share something positive.