We here at Patriots Inc have been following the news and we have come to the conclusion (at the current time), that this covid is so rapid spreading, its hardly possible in lockdown and believe that t... View MoreWe here at Patriots Inc have been following the news and we have come to the conclusion (at the current time), that this covid is so rapid spreading, its hardly possible in lockdown and believe that this is all a ruse to scare people into thinking their freedoms are impacted if they dont take the vaccine.
Problem is, not only is it gene therapy mRNA, it will not stop you from getting sick...and your immunity is further compromised because of the vaccine.
You see, to make people take a drug without direct force is to put fear into them... similar to the tactics seen in Nazi Germany.
But this vaccine is not approved anywhere and this is found to go against the Nuremberg Code. (Search if you're unfamiliar with it).
You see, this is the Globalists agenda and every government is directed to do their part.
So when you watch the news, take it as a grain of salt... question the numbers, question if there are really people with this illness, as we do not know a single person anywhere who has had it and has documented their journey. The only thing we have seen are paid actors pretending they have it.
To fear people into the vaccine, you have signed your death warrant, or sold your soul to the devil. You may be fine now but you dont know what problems youll have in a years, two years, five years or 10yrs down the track. If youre pregnant, you dont know the complications you created in your unborn child, you may have an existing condition and excalibrated it, reducing your life span or overall healthy but still put a drug in your body that is going to kill you sooner than you needed to be.
Please... question everything...
Take everything like a grain of salt...
But please do not let the governments control you by telling you vaccinate or be outcasted...
Fight for your rights and freedoms...
Go to rallies at every opportunity...
Spread the word and wake the sheep from their sleep...
We are disposable chess pawns in a game that comes with risks but if you believe in your freedom, you will fight till the end.
Covid is not real!
The vaccine is the real killer!
And your government is the enemy!