If YOU don’t need to be spoon fed and you don’t just sit around while others do all the work, AND YOU want to Fully Restore and Secure Our Republic: Please join us as we Restore and Secure Our Republ... View More
Vic Freeman Is Sparta
Let's Fully Restore and Secure Our Republic Now.
UNSTOPPABLE: The Enemies of America Are Screwed
Some folks want to kill the enemies of America: Vic Freeman will make the enemies of America want to kill themselves.
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Fauci Surpasses NAZI Dr. Josef "Angel Of Death" Mengele on Genocidal Mass Murder Death Toll
Vic Freeman Is Sparta
Fauci Surpasses NAZI Dr. Josef "Angel Of Death" Mengele on Genocidal Mass Murder Death Toll
[VIDEO] FAUCI Surpasses NAZI Josef "Angel of Death" Mengele: The RED COATS Now Wear WHITE COATS
Based on historical and documentary evidence a total of 15,754 people were killed by NAZI Doctor Josef “Angel of Death” Mengele’s experiments
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Do YOU Want Your Illusions OR Do You Want Solutions? PICK ONE.
Military Aren't HEROS They Are SUCKERS
Do you think getting SUCKERED into MURDERING people all over the world on behalf of Global Corporate Psychopaths makes you SPECIAL?
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Military Aren't HEROS They Are SUCKERS
Do you think getting SUCKERED into MURDERING people all over the world on behalf of Global Corporate Psychopaths makes you SPECIAL?
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The 3% are NOT what The Founders had in mind.
Vic Freeman Is Sparta
When The Founders said, “necessary to the security of a free State” this is NOT what they had in mind.
Why We Can't Work With The 3%
Our Republic is not being destroyed by bullets and bombs, and it won’t be fixed by bullets and bombs either.
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