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Megan Olson

Female. Born on August 15, 1974. Is married.
Megan's Freebies & Deals
25 members Hobbies
Welcome to Megan's Freebies and deals! This group is all about freebies, deals, coupons, sweepstakes and saving money in any way! Our posts are only for the USA only..If you see something you are interested in click on the link, fill out the form and submit. Keep in mind that it takes patience! It can take anywhere from 3 days to over a year for an item to arrive in the mail. Group admin do not mail out the freebies that are posted in here. If you are just starting out please refer to my Freebie 101 post below, it is a good resource. http://www.mwfreebies.com/2018/01/02/freebie-101-quick-easy-tips-to-get-started/ Most posts have a link in the post. Please click on the link for details. If you click on the link and read, you should have all the info. you need.
Megan Olson
Andy Rittershouse
Ashley bowena