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Gabriele matia
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Rebecca Winner
Thank you! I needed to hear this message. God bless you!
December 3, 2020
Gabriele matia
Black Friday... that day every year small business bring their prices way down in order to incentivize clients to buy... only to realize they turned off their best clients, attracted their least ideal... View More
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Gabriele matia
Gabriele matia
Pro-Tip: Waiting on or expecting others to give you their permission to go after your dreams and live the abundant life you God promised you is never a good strategy. And yet...
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Gabriele matia
Proverbs 16:3 is one of my favorite verses: "Commit your works to the Lord and the will succeed" Three interesting things there: 1) "Commit" there is from the word "galal" in Hebrew, meaning to "ro... View More
Gabriele matia
I?ve started breaking a habit. When people ask me how I?m doing or what?s going on, over the years I?ve always said something like ?oh, I?m just as busy as I can be!? Growing up, busy-ness was nex... View More
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Rebecca Winner
I spend my morning on my knees in prayer. I work hard on my mindset. Somehow I get off track from my focus on Jesus, Mother Mary, and God our Father. The PTSD seems to be getting worse. I understand the importance of getting closer to God during this time.
December 3, 2020
Gabriele matia
It?s been an Eatin? and Shootin? kinda Thanksgiving
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Gabriele matia
?Execution is the single greatest market differentiator... The barrier standing between you and the life you are capable of living is a lack of consistent execution.? - Lennon and Moran, The 12 Week Y... View More
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Gabriele matia
To create is to trust not only the artistic process, but the vision, materials, and the maker. Oh that artists would give themselves the same grace they give their work... trusting beauty is unfoldin... View More
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Gabriele matia
Son keep it up
Gabriele matia
Just for the thanks given......
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