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Y'know the stuff everyone's afraid to talk about? Lets talk about it!
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MAKAIO Messenger
REMEMBER, REMEMBER, THE 5TH OF NOVEMBER! #5thofnovember https://youtu.be/Hm8I8X_jQIE
MAKAIO Messenger
MAKAIO Messenger
How Sexual Sin Has Ruined Us (And, Why God Has Cursed Us) Why does it seem the world is under a curse? Right is wrong, wrong is right, good is bad and bad's alright. What's going on? And, what does S... View More
MAKAIO Messenger
Why Has God CURSED Us? Why is the World Being DESTROYED? Clearly the world is under a curse! Right is wrong, wrong is right, good is bad and bad's alright. What's going on? Why is this happening? Is ... View More
MAKAIO Messenger
COP26 Satanic Ritual - What's Really Going On? It is just coincidence that COP26 takes place on the Satanist's biggest day of the year in the very place that Halloween (aka Samhain) began? Is there m... View More
MAKAIO Messenger
hmmm...yep 'Peace, peace,’ they say, when there is no peace. -Jer 6, 8 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and t... View More
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Jennifer Thul
October 27, 2021
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