This is my favorite picture of me, taken in 2011 at New York Citys SantaCon. Behind me were 11,000 other Santas, as well as Mrs Claus, Elves, various people wrapped up as Presents, Sugar Plum Faeries, Grinches and not a few Ralphies from A Christmas Story. It was a remarkable day though I did get t... View MoreThis is my favorite picture of me, taken in 2011 at New York Citys SantaCon. Behind me were 11,000 other Santas, as well as Mrs Claus, Elves, various people wrapped up as Presents, Sugar Plum Faeries, Grinches and not a few Ralphies from A Christmas Story. It was a remarkable day though I did get thrown out of Macys in Herald Square when I tried to apply for the Santa position. I always wanted to ride that big float but I went to the store too near to Christmas and the Human Resource office was located just behind where Santas Workshop was set up on the 4th floor. As everyone and their children left the line to see the store Santa in favor of a phone photo with me- SURPRISE! Store security caught me on camera being mobbed and decided to come out and rough me up for my impertinence. They became very nice to me only after they saw the hundreds of phones filming their behaviour toward Santa. I was politely helped/escorted onto a service elevator and given the bums rush through a first floor side door with a warning to apply sooner than December 12th next time.