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Be respectful of the people that answer the phone in our city and county administration offices. Even if the elected officials have done wrong, be nice as well as assertive. Be Nice.
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Replace the Socialists (both so-called Left and Right) in 2022.
If they can't be replaced, then expose them publicly. Use Facts only!
We The People have the ultimate power still!
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950,000 Americans Could Have Been Saved if the Government Let Doctors Be Doctors
Dr. Peter McCullough: "In November of 2020, my estimate at that time [was] we could have saved 50% of the lives... By March of 2021... I said, '85% of lives could have been saved.' And
Larry Dean Jackson shared a photo
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McDANIEL: Weaponizing redistricting against even one Republican is an attack on us all
Submitted by State Senator Chris McDaniel
Senator McDaniel expresses concerns in op-ed about Mississippi Senate redistricting linked to votes.
It's no secret. The GOP loves Donald Trump becaus
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Breaking: CDC Finally Makes Major Admission about Natural Immunity, Says Prior COVID Infection More Protective Than Vaccine During Delta Surge
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has confirmed that studies show "surviving a previous infection now provided greater protection against a subsequent infection than vacci
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The Right Side Radio Show on Apple Podcasts
Conservative Talk Show discussing national and the state of Mississippi politics.