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Male. Lives in dying Earth, District Of Columbia, United States. 105 years old. Is single.
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My internet-web social media profiles, Change DOT 2 a . THEN backspace THEN copy & paste the weblink... View More
Huh it SHOULD B understatedly Behavioral Analysis profiled with the witnessed CHARACTER-human nature of political Democrat Party of THAT of Devil versus Republican-Conservative (CLAIMING 2 B Christian... View More
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Huh with crime rampant out there amidst Babylon (like in Holy Bible) USA who's 2 say fool's out there ain't acting like evil & unholy human terminator's un2 anything that moves nor bleeds? MAY B why h... View More
& so like Andrew Andy Dufresne (Timothy Francis Robbins) in a small cell alone BUT never alone via Mozart in his head ie: he had the mind of a free man as do I via Holy Trinity B-ing past touched, why... View More
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Though however via Holy Trinity (me) temp here 4 a Time have witnessed MUCH 2 last 10 lifetimes & have conveyed MUCH more than I personally care 2 BUT it's cuz I SELF deny responsibly AM allegiant 2 H... View More
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Huh I mean with fools like FBi Christopher Asher Wray, CiA William Joseph Burns, NSA Paul Miki Nakasone & etc gripping internally within on2 (?, !) agendas, misc THEY THINK but R overall anti Holy Tri... View More
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SIGH BUT like Laurence Allen Elder said, That's how '?, !' ROLLS; HA, YEA, even ever MORE after last NON SELF owned (via Luke 9:24) human breath ie: death gonna ROLL themselves NON voluntarily-NON opt... View More
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