William Lockette
on September 29, 2024 134 views
Come take a gaze in to the magic 8-ball of hollywood.
One dystopian future possibility. The commies win, soros takes over the world and we all are removed from society by having our non-digital currency phased out of circulation and turning our decision making over to incapable AI who can't predict a truly malevolent entity when it's unleashed on the innocent populace.
A.K.A. open borders and laws protecting the invaders.
What we're seeing now is about 10 million known "undesireables" and over 100,000 copies of Simon Phoenix unleashed en masse on our streets.
Don't gufaw at science fiction. It's purpose is to explore the realm of what might be so we can learn from the heroes how to stop it when the time comes to put our collective foot down.
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John  Montague
They’re definitely working on the reeducation camps 
September 29, 2024
William Lockette
William Lockette replied - 1 reply
William Lockette
w00t! Made it through, despite the feed screwing up because I clicked a thing on the window and it took me to a comment.
September 29, 2024
John  Montague
I got here late, but I damn sure enjoyed it. William you have a good evening. I’m gonna give it a rest.
September 29, 2024