I believe there are only 2 types of folks, good ones and bad ones. There are no grey areas in choice... View More
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Is the government planning on releasing smallpox on Americans? Currently no smallpox in America so why the need for the vaccine?
US Gov. Buys $113 Million Dollars Worth of Smallpox Vaccines
Is the US Government preparing for a bioterror attack involving smallpox? A new report shows that the US government purchased $113 million dollars worth of TPOXX from SIGA Technologies. TPOXX is a an
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New Documents Reveal Bill Gates Gave $319 Million to Control Media Narrative
President Trump calls the mainstream media “the enemy of the people” for a good reason. You can’t go through a commercial break without a pharmaceutical or propaganda ad! The MSM news is even wo
Shows how idiotic Schumer is.
Schumer LIES, Tells America Climate Change Will Make Every Year Worse Than COVID
They just keep fibbing
Fauci has been lying to Congress many times.
https://www.wnd.com/2021/11/garland-joins-dems-whove-lied-congress-oath/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=wnd-brief&utm_campaign=dailypm&utm_content=brief&ats... View More
Garland joins those Dems who've lied to Congress under oath!
Joseph Farah highlights whistleblower documents showing targeting of U.S. parents
Always cheating.
Watch: Votes to count 'even if' mailed in on napkins
Requiring voters to use a ballot is a pretty baseline rule. But for some progressives, it's apparently asking too much.