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Jackie Everitt

Male. Lives in Texas, United States. Is married.
Keith Everitt
Got my first axis deer! 32” main beam and 215 lbs.
Keith Everitt
Hard to believe these two are the same species
Jackie Everitt
Sonia Sotomayor roasted after spreading false information about child COVID hospitalizations https://www.foxnews.com/media/sonia-sotomayor-roasted-false-information-about-child-covid-hospitalizations... View More
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Amy Everitt
Join our Wimkin friends group, so we can see our friends’ posts in the group newsfeed. I only see stranger’s post in the normal newsfeed.
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Jackie Everitt
Dad tells Biden, 'Let's go, Brandon' during Christmas Eve call — and Biden responds https://www.foxnews.com/politics/dad-biden-lets-go-brandon-christmas-eve-santa-norad-call Explore the Fox News app... View More
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Amy Everitt
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