I have done a lot in my life, served in the United States Army, served in Iraq, came home, went to c... View More
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What in the world is going on in DC
im not going to make any speculations here, but this is weird, also my internet has been going out all day .........if anyone knows really knows leave a comment Remember to register to rumble https://
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common sense 80 Stop The Steal! www.jasondavispodcast.com
Greetings greetings one and all my name is Jason Davis said this is Empower Volusia common sense, I'm coming to you from an undisclosed location hidden in the upper Western Highlands of Volusia C
Sidney Powell sues Georgia officials, alleging massive scheme to rig election for Joe Biden
Prominent defense lawyer says scheme centered around modern 'ballot stuffing' hidden by voter machine algorithms.
common sense 80 Stop The Steal! www.jasondavispodcast.com
Greetings greetings one and all my name is Jason Davis said this is Empower Volusia common sense, I'm coming to you from an undisclosed location hidden in the upper Western Highlands of Volusia C