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Wessley Jauron
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Wessley Jauron
This my friends is all part of the shit show. Perhaps this can tie up some loose ends.
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He has probably been fitted with Cement Shoes and joined other crooks in Davey Jones Locker
August 10, 2022 Edited
Wessley Jauron
Wessley Jauron
Before It's News | People Powered News › prophecy › 2022/08 › stew-peters-world-premiere-81... A must watch..
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Wessley Jauron
I've said it for years and no one believed me, now it is common knowledge. I ask you this if they can lie and cover up for this what else did they do that they don't want you to know about?
Wessley Jauron
Ask yourself why we are sending billions of dollars in arms to a corrupt government? Because our current government Is also corrupt, this my friends is a proxy of the deep state.
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John Hann
Now you know what they are doing with Biden’s help
August 3, 2022
Tricia Newman
Biden is owned by Ukraine and China. They are using our money to help America's enemies
August 3, 2022
Wessley Jauron
Think of the Ukraine as a country who has been taken over by the cabal or the central banks. The central banks are in every country but Russia. This is why they are making such a stink about Crimera and the pipe line that feeds Europe. Back in 2012 when Ukraine had its revolution that was fomented b... View More
August 6, 2022
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