
The People Deserve An Honest Media With Only Their Best Interests At Heart!

Goldfire Media was started in 2017 in order to help bring an honest new wave of news and media onto the internet. Plans for Goldfire Media date back to early 2016. Our goal is to ensure that everyone get to hear what they deserve to hear and to protect the liberty of every person in the Western World. Goldfire Media will always be there to protect our freedom of speech and our freedom of thought and pledge to always bring out the truth and to retract any false statements and to admit when we are wrong.

Our long-term goal is to fight on the frontline for independent media and to fight against the monopolization and dictation of the mainstream media.

Note: Goldfire Media does not belong to a particular label or group. We may not always agree with the opinions of our contributors but we fully defend their right to express them.