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Kratom for opiate withdrawal: Facts, myths, and effects
Kratom is an herbal extract that some use to treat opiate withdrawal. However, kratom can be addictive and dangerous, and it is not FDA approved.
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Niki Mc
I'm 70 have 3 years off 45 years of methadone de ages of benzoyl and dexadrine cigs heavy booze.Well,it took 2 plus years of torture is detox but I couldn't of done it witho<t kratom
Niki Mc
Without kratom
If kratom has helped you, then PLEASE share your story. They are trying to make kratom a schedule 1 drug in Georgia. Everyone please write them an share how kratom has helped you. Thank you all for y... View More
Kratom is an addictive natural opium or opiate actually and it's beats 45 years of methadone pain medicine so I take Kratom once in a while as needed not daily
From what I've read, kratom is as addictive as coffee, and is a member of the coffee family.