Rick Lovdahl
Hello! I just received my technician license (KJ7ROX) and am starting out with some handhelds. First priority for me is to become proficient in using the Baofeng radios and be prepared in case of eme... View More
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Craig Hundley
Great radios. I have 4. Get the battery replacement. I use my 220 a lot.
November 15, 2020
Craig Hundley
Craig Hundley replied - 3 replies
Craig Hundley
Yes, code hasn't been required in nearly 20 years. I still do it. I find it fun. My favorite is SSB. I've tried digital but its like DMR for me. What the hobby is all about. Experimental radio
November 16, 2020
Keith Alan
I need o take a new pic, have added a Yaesu FT-7800 since this one
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Keith Alan
updated pic...
December 17, 2021
shared a few photos
Hello from northwest Indiana, Bill AB9QU.
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Craig Hundley
Still building this site. N7PSA. The intent is to promote the hobby and offer help to anyone interested in getting into the hobby.
Edward McGaha
KE2RR here qrv, Location JN49SE, German call DB7EM, ham since 1977.
N3JBE here...FM09. Trying to generate more interest in 2 meter ssb, 144.200...
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