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Group Info
Mission and Vision Our Mission:We seek to restore a limited Constitutional Government to the people of the United States of America in keeping with the principles of our ... MoreMission and Vision Our Mission:We seek to restore a limited Constitutional Government to the people of the United States of America in keeping with the principles of our Founding Fathers. We intend to take a stand against a tyrannical government that has grown much too large to remain effective and no longer shares those values so fiercely protected by our Forefathers. We will build an alliance and network of American Citizens to organize, educate, and support each other to enable our Members to become better prepared for the future.Our Vision:Our vision is to unite, organize and educate citizens of the United States of America to become proactive in preserving our freedoms and rights as outlined in our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. We want our Nation to stand as a Constitutional Republic.Who We Are:We are not a militia. We are Patriots standing together to defend our country and Constitution. We are a group of preppers, survivalists, lobbyists, military members, Veterans, legal immigrants and everyday citizens building a network of information and organizing to come together to assist and support each other and fellow Patriots in the event of a catastrophe of any type. We are American Citizens who believe in the right to bear arms as well as the liberties and freedoms that were envisioned by our Founding Fathers.We encourage participation in meetings, training, protests, lobbying and networking within each state and throughout the Nation. United we will stand.Goals:United States III% goals are to develop chapters throughout the US to keep watch over pending Legislation and Bills as well as to protect the Constitution, Amendments and Bill of Rights. We seek to peacefully protest any violations committed by our Politicians, Law Enforcement, Government Officials and other Citizens. We will conduct or participate in Rallies and Events across our nation to lobby and protest any government agency, law enforcement agency, group or citizen that is attempting to infringe upon our Rights and Freedoms.We will work to establish Chapters in each state across our nation to unify, educate and motivate citizens.III% NationalPAGE RULES FOR ADMIN/MEMBERS1. Only PATRIOTIC memes, in moderation2. No Sales from people we can't verify are legit!!3. No blocking admin4. No BS news, satire, or rants.5. No Spamming, This includes the posting of all groups not affiliated with us6. No religious post7. No causing division of the group8. Respect each other (disagreements and debates are allowed but NO name calling)9. No Racism10. BY JOINING THIS GROUP, YOU HAVE AGREED TO FOLLOW ALL RULES SET FORTH. DIVERSION FROM THESE RULES WILL RESULT IN LOSS OF PRIVILEGES TO THIS PAGE.(PS.) FOR REAL: Talking bad about Bacon is a permanently ban-able offense.We don't need that kind of negativity here. (Thank you Yankee...) WHAT WE ARE NOT!!!1. We are Not extremist2. We are not a party group3. We are not a Militia4. We are not a HATE groupWHAT WE ARE!!!1. We are constitutional Patriots2. We Are a group of Minutemen ready to organize at a moments notice.3. We are everyday Joe's concerned about the future of our country and swear to protect her by any means from all enemies.
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