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Deplorable Nation

 Public Group - Community - 28 Members
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Richard Fields
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Richard Fields
What has this country come to ? I'll try to make a long story short. Yesterday I was trying to pickup a load for work. As I was backing up to the dock, an other driver just randomly stopped and blocke... View More
Angry (6)
Sad (4)
That is so WRONG!!!! AMERICANS NEED TO FIGHT THIS RACE CRAP AND IT STARTED WITH OBAMA!!! they can call us whatever but then we cant say anything?? Noooooooo?
February 5, 2021
Richard Fields
Richard Fields replied - 1 reply
Daniel B
I would have waited until he docked and went inside and pulled his 5th wheel pin.. payback feels so good in a case like that..and no.. I've never done that before.. just a thought
February 5, 2021
Robert Hughes
Should have shot the motherfucker!!!
February 5, 2021
Richard Fields
Richard Fields replied - 2 replies
Richard Fields
I used to love this country and even defended it's ideals of freedom, yet more an more lately.....thinking of loading up the boat an just sailing off.....(location unknown)
Richard Fields
A.O.C. you're a damn lier. Sad pathetic attempt to capitalize on a crisis. Your honestly is hence forth forever in question ! We all know politicians lie all the time, yet perhaps it's time we call ou... View More
Richard Fields
Trump actually achieved peace in the middle east yet BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize ? How far is reality going to be pushed ?
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Laura Cook
Gimme a break! BLM is a terrorist organization. Paid for by terrorists.
January 30, 2021
Richard Fields
Richard Fields replied - 1 reply
Richard Fields
Fun fact: 87 milion people of color in the United States as of the 2020 Census. 15 were shot by police the same year. Only 11 by a "white" officer. I dare you to do the math. 0.0000004e <- (e=error) T... View More
Richard Fields
Wait wait wait ? Let me get this straight ? My 78 year old parents are NOT eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine yet but suspected terrorists at Gitmo ARE ? Ok. Im gonna say it "FUCK OFF JOE BIDEN, TERROR... View More
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Kristin Hugghins
That vaccine killed Hank Aaron.
January 29, 2021
Michele Norton
I agree with Lisa Dysinger 1000%? Your parents are safer WITHOUT the vaccine!
January 29, 2021
Richard Fields
I don't trust a governmental ANYTHING rolled out in 6 months. Its the principle of it. Trump=America First....Biden=Every man for himself !
January 29, 2021
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