14 napbuddies small

Fiber Craft

 Public Group - Hobbies - 51 Members
Group Info
Janice Taylor

A group for all fiber crafters. Find like minded friends, testers for your designs, and a safe place to share opinions, 

Janice Taylor
I'm looking for Dead Heads that would like to test my newest crochet pattern.
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Fiber Craft
updated their profile photo.
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Fiber Craft
updated their cover photo.
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Janice Taylor
My newest pattern is now available on Etsy. Come and see how you can create the Cat in The Hat for that special someone. https://MyrddynsGateDesigns.etsy.com
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Janice Taylor
shared a few photos
Paul and Patty Penguin, Mommy Nessie and Baby Nessie are all now available on my Etsy page. Please go take a look at them and favorite my Etsy page even if you don't buy a pattern from me. Share my pa... View More
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Janice Taylor
This is a picture of all of my Nap Buddies so far. I still have need for testers for a couple of them.
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