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Jeremy Zimmer
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Jeremy Zimmer
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Paul  Brumit
Missy Tolle Taylor
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Jeremy Zimmer
How long have you been doing photography and what are you currently using? What is your favorite style? Portraits? Landscape? Wildlife?
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I focus on people, nature (macro is my fave), food. I do a lot of events, but typically not weddings. Parties, political events primarily. Most of the time I use my Nikon D750. I think my favorite portrait lens is my Sigma 85mm, 1.4 Art.
November 6, 2020 Edited
Lynn Young
I studied photography in hs and a few courses beyond way before dslr. Busy with raisinf a family finally purchased one about two years ago. Just startet messing with it a few months back though. Enjoying it but it is a different world! I have a Nikon 3400. I do often have a lot of questions about w... View More
November 14, 2020
Paul  Brumit
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Jeremy Zimmer
Nice one
November 11, 2020
Paul  Brumit
Paul Brumit replied - 1 reply
Missy Tolle Taylor
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