Group Info
Mae Lena Rainey
Hey everyone! My name is Mae Lena and I am a consultant with SimplyFun games! Our games are fun, educational, durable and affordable. I would love to have you join me and... More
Mae Lena Rainey
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Tresa Marsh
Does it say 3yrs?
December 13, 2020
Mae Lena Rainey
Tresa, Dish Em Out is recommended for ages 8+
December 13, 2020
Mae Lena Rainey
Are you looking for a specific age range?
December 13, 2020
Mae Lena Rainey
We ditched our school lessons this morning and played a few of our newest games. Algebra is kicking our behinds so it was a much needed (and deserved) break. Whirly World is now one of our favorit... View More
Mae Lena Rainey
Does your family set aside game nights during the week? Family game nights offer opportunities to discuss issues someone has had during the week, decompress from the stress of work or school and cre... View More
Mae Lena Rainey
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
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Mae Lena Rainey
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Mae Lena Rainey
Did you know? The Giant African Land Snail is the largest land snail in the world, its body can grow up to 12 inches long. Explore the even and odd World of Whirly the Snail. Players take turns gli... View More
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