Ham Radio Operators

 Public Group - Hobbies - 53 Members
Don hammann
Hello.....KO4VZM,Don....central NC. 2m & 70Cm. RF and Echolink
Keith Alan
Southwest PA here...N3JBE Keith...2m SSB 144.210 FM09..
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Hello from the South East shore of Lake Michigan, Northwest Indiana. 73 to all. Bill AB9QU
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My shack.
July 7, 2021
Bill replied - 2 replies
Jerry Falletta
Greetings from central upstate New York. Just joined here, but been a ham since the late 1960's (high school). Now retired and operating 160-10 HF, as well as VHF and UHF. Also been active with D-STAR... View More
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Edward McGaha
KE2RR//DB7EM qth Neuenstein, JN49SE, Name is Ed, Ham since 1977, age 66. DMR 262074, Anytone 878Plus, Yeasu, VX8-R, HF rig Icom 7300, IC=706MK2G, MFJ tuner 993B, Alinco DM-330MW, 5 band Hustle... View More
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Betsy Singh-Anand
Let's try this again! It appears a lot of groups were lost again. That's ok - we'll just rebuild! I am Betsy, KE8JQO. Hoping to see former members return and new members join!
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Brian Francisco
Hey Betsy. KA8SJB from WV. Been a ham for a long time, recently getting back into the hobby
February 20, 2021
Brian Francisco
Can't create new post in the group yet, but saying hi here instead
February 20, 2021
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