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Ses Zoo

 NO Hate , No Politics,..Just  Thoughts for the Day . Quips,Quotes,Poems  ,antidotes   and Contemplations,Photo's, Art and  just general .good  wishes..and friendly bante

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Ses Zoo
...50 yrs already .. How many of us out there had these albums in our collections and still listen to them in one form or another,, and which music of today do we think will be around in an... View More
Ses Zoo
Friends ..? From a Guy Clark tune "I got a pretty good friend who's seen me at my worst He can't tell if I'm a blessing or a curse But he always shows up when the chips are down Thats the kind of st... View More
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Ses Zoo
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Ses Zoo
Another of the Unsung heros. Old Charlie the Night watchman...
Ses Zoo
... The Mushroom has Fallen !
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Ses Zoo An interesting watch,...Not too action packed .But relaxing especially after they lay the eggs..
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