Always listen to your "inner" voice... I posted several months ago when the pandemic started about my inner voice telling me to buy large quantities of vitamin C, D, B12, Zinc and multivitamins. I tol... View MoreAlways listen to your "inner" voice... I posted several months ago when the pandemic started about my inner voice telling me to buy large quantities of vitamin C, D, B12, Zinc and multivitamins. I told my "inner" voice, "we never take vitamins, and they are costly." My "inner" voice said, "MARSHA! Just do it!" I know I looked strange standing in the vitamin aisle at Sam's arguing with myself, but my "inner" voice won (as usual). This conversation occurred in June of 2019, and we started vitamins at that time and have been taking them ever since. Then in February, 2020 my "inner" voice said, "buy large quantity of bathroom tissue and paper towels." Which after another similar conversation where I said, "we don't need that much. We will have to store it."... my inner voice said, "Do it!" Which I did, and everyone knows about the shortage after that. Well, the reason of my repeat of this story is because of what happened to my hubby today.
He went for his physical today. The doctor was asking him how he has been avoiding catching the virus since he works around it like he does. My hubby's answer was. "My wife has been popping vitamins C, D, B12, Zinc, multivitamins down me for over a year and a half". He didn't even catch the flu this year. We have so blessed by not having to go to the doctor, especially at our age.
Think about this a minute. When my "inner" voice was arguing with me, I nor my hubby knew what was ahead of us. I am so thankful that my "inner"... (the Holy Spirit) doesn't give up me. We all have an "inner" voice. I listen to mine. If I will just stop second guessing it.
I am saying, thank you, Lord for every day without being sick.