John Houk
Science Lie Brainwashing It’s time for some COVID & Jab truth that the Globalist-controlled science and Dem-Marxists probably will tell you not to believe what see but only believe what We-The-Tyrant... View More
John Houk
Run Trump Run The video title after the download was one of those numerical-digital names. So I renamed it "Run Trump Run" after the Forrest Gump symbolism. The title could easily be "Trump Won 2020"... View More
John Houk
One Step Closer to Rule by Decree Here are some Justin Smith observations on the fraud Biden Administration’s full tilt toward a Soviet/CCP Marxist-Maoist control regime: #Bide... View More
John Houk
Biden To Destroy the Republic There was a time when the old American motto E Pluribus Unum – Out of many, one – was an apt description for the American immigration process that included assimilation ... View More
John Houk
To Love and Let Live In Justin Smith’s essay “To Love and Let Live” he seems to notice the general acquiescence to the Dem-Marxist status quo, YET he for one will resist lawlessness affecting his pe... View More
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