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"The American Dream"
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam,
This is the land, where our dreams come true,
The home of the brave, and the la... More
Gallows Humor Magazine
Melissa McGarity
Check out what Trump typed for a crowd Election Night! Hear a group of supporters sing How Great Thou Art! Hear about small businesses and see Diddy in the live chat comments. What's next for Guard... View More
Gallows Humor Magazine
We need to be prepared to take matters in our own hands. These will be build in every town, university, and government office especially the alphabet agencies.
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Melissa McGarity
See Trump ad @ 14:09 Music is the same as in Patriot Double Down the Vegas streets were interesting during that time and the people I met there in 2021. See Jim Caviezel @ 6:33 #SoundOfFreedom Rem... View More
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