Mitchell Wayne Waugh
I'm sorry to talk about politics here, but it ties in to the rapture. It's been to long that we have seen politicians get not just richer off of citizens health but taken for granted, while we go down... View More
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It is real simple stay neutral in Samuel " Lucifer" and Jahovahs battle. Just accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior and follow him to whatever adventures or decisions there is to make.
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Prophecy is almost all fulfilled, and I'm telling you you better be right with the father which is in heaven. If you do not except Jesus Christ as your lord and savior then I don't even want to talk t... View More
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I tell you it takes one business man, to run a Republic politician, a democratic politician to bring all the public together as a nation, Jahovah to send his son to die for the world, religion to cal... View More
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Yes you can't say your in Christianity and have so many religions everyone should have one belief so I believe in Jesus and believe he is Lord and savior but not your creator “Jahovah is Jesus's fathe... View More
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Give me time when I have more time I will put back scripture I had here. Sorry for the inconveniences.
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