Group Info
Made this group for like minded friends to share interesting articles, books, documentaries, pictures related to; 911, False Flags, Secret Societies, Technology, War, GM... MoreMade this group for like minded friends to share interesting articles, books, documentaries, pictures related to; 911, False Flags, Secret Societies, Technology, War, GMO, Chem-trails, Commerce, Espionage, Politics, Health Science, NWO, communist, religion, etc...
We don't do thought policing in this group for truth seekers. Members are free to share and discuss any views they please. Spirited discussion is welcome and we trust members to be mature enough to know when to stop or take it somewhere else when it comes to disagreements.
It is understandable that emotions can run high with some of these topics. Forthright opinions are fine, but please treat each other with a modicum of respect.
This group is primarily an information resource so outright trolling or arsehole behaviour will be dealt with firmly by admin. -
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