"A THREE-MONTH-OLD baby died after reportedly receiving a shot of pentavalent vaccine last Wednesday, November 8, in a health center in Sitio Abuno, Barangay Pajac, Lapu-Lapu City. The fatality was id... View More
3-month-old baby dies after vaccination in Lapu-Lapu
3-month-old baby dies after vaccination in Lapu-Lapu
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Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA)
Two patients with pain following shoulder injections for flu and covid vaccine.
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"Belgium. 4-month-old girl following the "infanrix hexa" vaccine (hexavalent) and "prevenar 13" (against meningitis) develops Stevens-Johnson syndrome which initially gives symptoms similar to those o... View More
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From one of my old friends who's a former nurse:Just to clarify this was a few years back. From my original fb 2008-2020, before fb shut me down. I'm now on my 14th and 15th acct.
" I was a nurse for... View More
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"In July 2020, I volunteered to be in Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine trial. If I knew then what I know now about the company’s quest for profits, I wouldn’t have done that."
"Instead of going all out to e... View More
Confessions of a 'human guinea pig': Why I'm resigning from Moderna vaccine trials
I volunteered to be in trials of the Moderna vaccine. I wouldn't have if I had known about the company's relentless quest for profits.
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