Rogue Nation
This Video Exposes the Clinton Sex Trafficking of Minors: It will blow your mind! The phrase “reprobate mind” is found in Romans 1:28 in reference to those whom God has rejected as godless and wicked... View More
Melissa McGarity
Check out what Trump typed for a crowd Election Night! Hear a group of supporters sing How Great Thou Art! Hear about small businesses and see Diddy in the live chat comments. What's next for Guard... View More
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Melissa McGarity
Melissa McGarity
See footage and people's thoughts on the #MauiFires #PeoplesFundOfMaui started by #Oprah #TheRock... View More
Melissa McGarity
* Interesting questions surround the #PeoplesFundofMaui is it coming from the #HeartSpace? * Some interesting thoughts and questions from viewers on Oprah and other elites. ... View More
Things Aren’t “Adding Up” With Joe’s Spy Ballon Story… This is Probably What Really Happened… View More
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