Proverbs 16:9
In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
I love this verse so much. We can plan and think we are in control but the fact is we are never in control of a... View MoreProverbs 16:9
In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
I love this verse so much. We can plan and think we are in control but the fact is we are never in control of anything. God determines our steps through life once we except his sons salvation. But if you don’t he will definitely let you fall until you surrender your life and ask him in. We don’t even have control of our own destiny. Bad stuff can happen to ourselves and we couldn’t stop it. This is one of the hardest lessons to learn. When you surrender to God you have him working with you for the very best for your life.
However even when we except God we can make all kinds of plans and even try to be successful. But when we fall as children of God, it’s because we sinned. Our will is not the same as God’s. So make all the plans you want to, but it is still Gods “will” that will always come in the end. He knows what is best for you. His will Is perfect and brings you abundance in what ever you do. When we line up our lives with the will of God there is nothing we can’t do.
So make plans but put God in those plans. Trust God to know what’s best. So if something you wanted so bad doesn’t happen it’s because God has something so much better for your life. Give thanks and pray and listen for answers. He will guide your path and determine your steps. Amen.
May God bless you always.