After Jesus but Before Paul - Nazorean / Nazarene Beliefs and Practices in 45 AD - Jackson Snyder
After Jesus but Before Paul - Nazorean / Nazarene Beliefs and Practices in 45 AD. I picked 45 AD because Yahshua had left out, at least "in the flesh" and Paul had not be
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"The Zadokites - Their Times, Calendar and Demise" Part 1 - Jackson Snyder - Vero Essene Yahad
Zadokites - Their Times, Calendar and Demise
This first installment is the glossary for the rest of the history of the times of the Zadokites 1000 BC to 160 BC. There's n
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Why Jesus Didn't Observe Hanukkah, Channukah - no Zadokite or Essene Did!
Jesus Didn't Observe Hanukkah
Write for documentation. Jackson Snyder. From Bible Gateway: HASIDEANS hăs’ ə de’ ənz (חֲסִידִֽים, ̔Ασιδαίοι, the pious).The
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