Shawn Lively
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Melissa McGarity
Goodbye Joe!
November 9, 2024
Melissa McGarity
Check out what Trump typed for a crowd Election Night! Hear a group of supporters sing How Great Thou Art! Hear about small businesses and see Diddy in the live chat comments. What's next for Guard... View More
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Melissa McGarity
Check out my Newspaper from an iconic date 60 years ago! How about the first airing of Dr. Who? Time Lord the day after JFK was shot? #JFK, #JFKAssassination, #BlackSheep, #TimeLord, #DrWho, #TimeyWim... View More
Melissa McGarity
Melissa McGarity
See footage and people's thoughts on the #MauiFires #PeoplesFundOfMaui started by #Oprah #TheRock... View More
Melissa McGarity
* Interesting questions surround the #PeoplesFundofMaui is it coming from the #HeartSpace? * Some interesting thoughts and questions from viewers on Oprah and other elites. ... View More
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