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Group Info
You must be 18+ to be in this group!!
Be kind & courteous to other Members.
This group is rated "R", you may share sexxy pix as long as they're not showing nipples,... MoreYou must be 18+ to be in this group!!
Be kind & courteous to other Members.
This group is rated "R", you may share sexxy pix as long as they're not showing nipples, vaginas, penis' or testies. Butts are okay. If anyone does share a picture that Myself or an Admin sees unfit, it will be removed!
No memes or pix of terrorism, abuse of any kind, pedophilia or children!
If any member has a problem with another member please block that member. If any member has an issue that we should know about, message myself or an Admin, tag them in the group and ask them to check their messages. (To tag anyone type an @ then their name, no space).
If someone posts something you don't like please scroll past it, don't Leave a negative remark. If you find it offensive message myself or an Admin and we WILL decide if it's something that needs to be removed!!
Please share our group link & add your friends. The bigger the group the more fun it is.
Most of all, Please participate in the group. You don't have to post if you choose not to but you can like and or comment on other's post's. You can also start a chat in the group at any time.
Have fun!!???????????
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