Group Info
Brandon cornell
Stay Informed Idaho is all about uniting together and sharing information for security and staying aware. You must live in Idaho to join.
Rules: no selfies, pornography, ... More
Brandon cornell
So i will always try to admit when i am wrong on here. That said the post this morning abour the shooting came in first thing and i wanted to get it out there. But i as of now not heard any media cove... View More
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Brandon cornell
Sad that this is happening again. Get this out to anyone you might know.
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Jeff Lucht
Knew it was only a matter of time before they started this shit again.
January 29, 2021
Brandon cornell
Ya. Its fucked up. On one hand you want to be sad for the families of any vicitms. But then another part of you knows what comes next and it will piss you off. Never know just how to feel when something lime this goes down.
January 29, 2021
Gregg Shipman
Looks like it's time for another dem push for banning guns. I'd bet on several new executive orders from the bidophile
January 29, 2021
Brandon cornell
Weather headed our way. Stay dry!
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Brandon cornell
Welcome to the new members. I hope to pist anything of factual importance here for idahoans. I will try to not post anythinf false or speculative. I ask that you do the same. There is alot of misinfor... View More
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Terri Wallace
From GA but sent friend request ???
January 28, 2021
Stay Informed Idaho
updated their profile photo.
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